Wednesday 27 May 2009

Smoked Salmon and Creme Fraiche Baguette

There are certain days, of course, when the simple sandwich is all that we either have time to prepare for lunch or simply that which we desire. What we should try to do, however, is try to avoid comprising our sandwich of such as processed meats or cheeses. We should attempt to make our sandwich as healthy as well as tasty as possible and what better way to do so than by making it with delicious smoked salmon.


1 French baguette or equivalent
2oz of smoked salmon
Generous handful of fresh rocket leaves
2 tbsp low fat creme fraiche
Freshly ground black pepper


Slice the baguette in half horizontally as shown and arrange the rocket leaves on the bottom half. Add the smoked salmon, creme fraiche and black pepper in that order. Place the top on and slice.

How simple is this? I promise, however, that it is also both incredibly tasty and a very healthy choice for lunch today or any day.

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